Author:Paul Viola,Michael Jones
Key Contributions:
1.Integral Image
2.Learning algorithm based on AdaBoost
3.Combine Classifiers in Cascade
- Represent and classify images based on simple features rather than pixels directly(operates faster and easily encode ad-hoc domain knowledge)
- Three kinds of simple features are used in the paper
- Two-Rectangles features (A and B)
- Three-Rectangles features (C)
- Four-Rectangles features (D)
The feature value calculation:
$$\sum{pixel\ values\ in\ white}-\sum{pixel\ values\ in\ gray}$$
Contributions 1:Integral Image
Contributions 2:Learning Algorithm based on AdaBoost
The advantages of AdaBoost:
1.Used for feature selection and classifier training
2.Selecting small set of good features from large feature set
3.Used a set of weak learners to form a strong one
4.Guarantees the training error of strong classifier very lowThe Pesudo of Adaboost:
Contributions 3:Combine Classifiers in Cascade
- Building cascade of classifiers(Increase Performance & Reduce computation)
- Simpler classifiers apply early to reject majority of sub windows and apply complex classifiers to achieve low false positive
- Subsequent classifiers are trained using examples,which pass through all the previous stages
How to use
- User selects maximun FPR(False Prediction Rate) and minimun acceptable DR(Detection Rate) per each stage
- User selects target
- Each stage is trained by adding features until the target DR and FPRs are met
- Stages are added until the overall target for DR and FPR are met
Further optimization
- Number of classifier stages
- Number of features in each stage
- Threshold of each stage
- Minimun number of features that achieved accuracy
- Solution achieves the goal of real time object detection
- Conjunction of simple rectangle features and integral image gives a efficient feature representation
- AdaBoost is used for the feature selection and classifier training
- Cascade of classifiers allows to quickly discard background regions and concentrate more on ojbect-like regions
Approximately Performance
Accuracy:Front-Face around 68.8%,Profile around 33%
Time:every picture with 67 millisecond