

Stereo Vision:Algorithms and Applications

Author:Stefano Mattoccia

Lab:University of Bologna

包括:1.介绍 2.综述 3.匹配算法 4.计算优化 5.硬件实现 6.应用


Target:Stereo Vision的目的在于从两个或以上的摄像机获取深度信息

  • 双目视觉系统
  • 密度立体算法
  • 立体视觉应用

定义:Epipolar constraint(极几何约束)

对于图像T,P和Q映在p和q上,红线 $PO_R$ 落在绿线pq的同一平面 $\Pi_T$上,这个称为极约束




The range field of system is constrained by disparity range $[d_{min},d_{max}]$
若用5个离散化的值,则可设置 $[d_{min},d_{min}+4]$

2.Overview of stereo vision system

2.1 Calibration(offline)

target:finding parameters of the camera system

  • Intrinsic parameters of two cameras:Focal length,image center,lenses distortion
  • Extrinsic parameters R and T aligns of two cameras

2.2 Rectification

target: Adjust stereo camera in standard form
steps: a) removes lens distortions
b) turns the stereo pair in standard form

2.3 Stereo Correspondence

target: finding homologous points in stereo pair, generate disparity map

2.4 Triangulation

target: Calculate the position of the correspondence in the 3D

$Z=\frac{b*f}{d}$ $X=Z\frac{x_R}{f}$ $Y=Z\frac{y_R}{f}$


  • calibration parameters
  • original sequences
  • rectified sequences
  • disparity maps

待克服的难点:The common pitfalls make the stereo correspondence so challenging: Photometric distortions and noise, Specular surfaces, Foreshortening, Perspective distortions, Uniform/Ambiguous regions, Repetitive patterns, Transparent objects, Occlusions and discontinuities

3.The correspondence problem


  • 1.匹配代价计算(Matching cost computation)
  • 2.代价聚合(Cost Aggregation)
  • 3.视差计算/优化(Disparity computation/Optimization)
  • 4.视差精细(Disparity refinement)
    Local:1->2->3 (用WTA策略)
    Global:1(->2)->3 semi-global

3.1 预处理(0)

典型方法:Laplacian of Gaussian(LoG)滤波[6],邻域均值去除[7],Bilateral Filtering[8]


  • Local 用窗口像素代价聚合减小 Signal to noise ratio(SNR)
  • Global 最小化代价函数,优化Pixel-based的代价匹配

$$E(d)=E_{data}(d) + E_{smooth}(d)$$

3.2 匹配代价计算(1)

3.2.1 单值匹配

  • 绝对值差
    $e(x,y,d) = |I_R(x,y)-I_T(x+d,y)|$
  • 平方差
    $e(x,y,d) = (I_R(x,y)-I_T(x+d,y))^2$
  • 鲁棒方法
    限制outliers的影响,如Truncated Absolute Differences(TAD)
    $e(x,y,d) = min \{ |I_R(x,y)-I_T(x+d,y)|,T \}$
    3.2.2 区域匹配
  • 绝对和(SAD)
    $C(x,y,d) = \sum_{x\in S}|I_R(x,y)-I_T(x+d,y)|$
  • 平方差和 (SSD)
    $C(x,y,d) = \sum_{x\in S}(I_R(x,y)-I_T(x+d,y))^2$
  • 截断绝对差和(STAD)
    $C(x,y,d) = \sum_{x\in S}\{|I_R(x,y)-I_T(x+d,y)|,T\}$
    其他一些方法:Normalized Cross Correlation[9], Zero mean Normalized Cross Correlation[10], Gradient based MF[11], Non parametric[12,13], Mutual Information[14]

3.3 代价聚合(2)

弊端:1.假设图像正面平行 2.忽略深度不连续性 3.不能解决均匀区域 4.无法解决重复区域
优化方法:1.积分图Integral Images(II 1984) 2.箱过滤Box-Filtering(BF 1981) 3.Single Instruction Multiple Data(SIMD)


3.3.1 一个具体的示例(LIVE DEMO)[16][17]

- 灰度图
  - 预处理:均值提取
  - 代价匹配: 绝对差
  - 聚合代价: 固定窗口(FW)
  - 视差选择: 胜者为王(WTA)
  - 局外点优化
  - 抛弃均匀区域
  - 优化:BF+SIMD
  - 像素插值1/16对于每个像素
  - 实时运行在普通PC上

3.3.2 一些好的方法
Shiftable Windows[18], Multiple Window[19], Variable Window [20], Segmentation based(Assume each segment smoothly)[21], Bilateral Filtering[22], Adaptive Weights[23], Segment Supoort[24], Fast Aggregation[25], Fast Bilateral Stereo(FBS)[26], Locally Consistent(LC) stereo[27]

3.4 视差计算/优化(3)


  • Graph Cuts[28]
  • Belief Propagation[29]
  • Cooperative optimization[30]
  • 一些能量最小化的方法可以参看PAMI期刊文章[31]
  • Dynamic Programming(DP) [5]
  • Scanline Optimization(SO) [32]
  • SO + Support Aggregation [33]
  • Enforcing Local Consistency of disparity in SO/DP [34]

3.5 视差精细(4)

  • 匹配算法包括一些outliers,必须识别并纠正
  • 由于细化了像素级别,需要优化视差的精确性
    3.5.1 Sub-pixel插值
    计算临近插值最小的值,[35]提出了floating-point free方法
    3.5.2 图像滤波
    3.5.3 双向匹配(Bidirection Matching,BM)
    $$|d_{LR}(x,y) - d_{RL}(x+d_{LR}(x,y),y)|<T$$
    3.5.4 单向匹配步骤(Single Matching Phase,SMP)[37]
    3.5.5 分割方法
    Segmentation based outliers identification and replacement
    基于两个假设:1.每段分割片的视差变化平滑 2.每个分割面近似在同一平面
    对于每个切割面都在3D平面,满足 $d(x,y)=ax+by+\gamma$
    对于这样鲁棒的平面,可以使用方法:RANSAC[38]和Histogram Voting[30]
    3.5.6 Accurate Localization of borders and occlusions[39]




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